Do not leave or close the page and remember to complete the payment in your bank app if necessary.


Still some doubts?

It works like a TV platform: become a member and watch all the content 24/7 wherever you want while you are a member

There is no start date. Your access begins the day you decide to become a member. And it will end the day you do not renew the subscription.

Yes, depending on the plan you have chosen, you will be charged every month, every 3 or every 6 months to your bank account.

For example, if you have signed up on January 22. You will be charged again on February 22.

Of course, you can cancel it whenever you want from your account options and… if you need help to do it just write to me! But remember that you must do it at least one day before it is renewed, otherwise you will be charged again and there is no possibility of a refund.

Each course consists of videos with explanations and amounts in the language you are currently in and a dossier with templates

Videos can’t be downloaded. But you can download the templates. You can download 3 templates per day.

Yes, you can download 3 per day

I’ll make the toppers with you from scratch. Within the academy there is a section of basic courses for those who do not have any experience. And also the courses are classified by difficulty: from very easy to difficult.

Of course! You can go to the Academy’s section in the top menu of this site and have a deep down look at all the categories and tutorials!

Remember that you can search in Google to convert an amount in Euros to your currency. BUT! If you do not know how to do that do not hesitate and get in touch with me and I will help you with it!

Due to the nature of the product it is not possible to return the money. So remember to unsubscribe at least one day before.